NZL AKL Auckland 2006NOV28 Airport 001  Someone want to tell me if you've seen a better sunset from an airport. : 2006, 2006 - Where The Farq Is Fitzy, 2006 Wellington Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Auckland, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, October, Places, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  NZL AKL Auckland 2006NOV28 Airport 002  Truth be told, I've been to plenty of airports and I reckon this view is pretty hard to beat. : 2006, 2006 - Where The Farq Is Fitzy, 2006 Wellington Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Auckland, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, October, Places, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year